Homeless Prenatal Program (HPP), a nationally recognized family resource agency, is working with Mercy Housing California (MHC) to expand HPP’s impact through a new multi-use facility. The building will include expanded HPP client services such as a job training program, perinatal education, and child development services, as well as high-quality, affordable housing geared toward families. The facility will be adjacent to the existing HPP building — ensuring that families in need of the most support are able to receive daily, intensive, onsite care.

The HPP building is located at 18th Street and Potrero in San Francisco.
Expanded HPP office and services space
Affordable apartments for low-income families
Private indoor and outdoor communal spaces
Onsite property management
HPP and Mercy Housing are committed to incorporating the local community into the development process through a variety of means, including input from neighbors, neighborhood associations, and local leaders, as well as written and electronic communications. In observance of health guidelines related to COVID-19, Mercy Housing will solicit input through virtual meetings, e-mail, regular mail, and this website: www.2530-18th.org.
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​Community outreach began in August 2021
The application for the site permit was submitted in September 2021
Construction is expected to begin in Spring 2024
Lease up is expected to begin in Fall 2025
Construction Completion is expected in Winter 2026
For any inquiries, questions, or comments, please fill out this short form.